Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Monday, October 19, 2009

Stolen from Alex Asis

Too bad he thinks that I hate his cooking because I GOT FULL.

Friday, October 16, 2009

I'm missing parts, now that you've told me everything

Saosin - Voices

I wish I knew why I'm so fascinated by organization, computers, and simplicity. Then again, the combination of those three might as well be a straight up oxymoron. We all also know that I pretend to be a nerd at heart. If only I was, it'd be too awesome. Then again, Jarrel considers mine and Clarenz's MBP Parties as us "bonding" as a couple, hah.

As hard as it may be living 200 miles away from home, my mom, Tuan, and my boyfriend, this place is beginning to be my concrete home. If I could I would kidnap them and have them here with me whenever I wanted. Too bad the world doesn't work that way. Does that make me selfish? For some reason when I'm here, I still feel like a kid, or well a college student and all that. But at home, I feel like I'm a grown ass adult takin' care of business everyday. I'm not necessarily complaining about my life, just analyzing how I live a different life at each place.

Knocked Up was on E! today. They've been talking about that shit all over tv and radio.
Alison: You're a sweet guy, right?
Ben: I think I am. Yeah.
Alison: Don't fuck me over, okay?
Ben: I wouldn't do that. I'm-- Just so you know, I'm the guy girls fuck over. I'm that guy. So you don't fuck me over. Okay?
Alison: Okay.


OH YEAH. There's some gnarly winds out right now, feels like a fucking tornado! :(

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

And now I walk around without care

Justin Sexiest-Man-Alive Timberlake - Lovedstoned

Every time I want to blog, I go through my iTunes on shuffle until I find a song I feel like listening to. Usually, iTunes likes me and gives me a song that I blog to. Today, that didn't happen but I love JT so I don't give a fuck. :)

These past few days, I've wanting to blog so much but all this damn studying is getting in the way. One midterm down, another exam tomorrow and I'll be done for the week. This weekend is tea making, Hot Librarian & Nerd Party, CultureFest, and homework!

Is it just me or is everywhere I'm reading, there always seems to be something about feminism or how women are so freaking "independent" or whatever? Okay, I just realized I sound like a total guy saying it but reallllly dude? Yes, we know women shouldn't need men to take care of them and make them happy and whatnot but is all this constant preaching really necessary? Just be whatever, you don't need to announce to the world what you are. I mean, if you do then doesn't that mean you need it to be said to know that you are? I'm so fucked up but I honestly don't get it. In contrast, what about everyone and their moms being a princess and deserve all the damn spoiling? MY BAD! Fine, I'm the only girl with a bunch of older brothers and I'm spoiled rotten. But why do you need to expect others to look at at as if you're hellllla independent or deserve to be spoiled cause you're a "princess"? I really don't get it. Can someone explain that to me please? Thank you :)

SLOlife has been busy. TVSA, CSA, & ISA keep me so busy on top of 16 units. Oh well, it'll be worth it. I made fried rice a week or two ago. I told AAsis I'd keep my word and I did and he ate it and didn't die.

I'm so weird, I'm gonna shut up now. Back to studying!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

And I've always lived like this keeping a comfortable, distance

and up until now I had sworn to myself to that I was content
Paramore - The Only Exception
It was worth putting the rest of the lyrics.

I hate the fact that I always have to plan out how I want to update. I wish I wasn't so damn OCD and could just get on here, type whatever that's on my mind and click "Publish Post". Instead, I have to go back and forth making sure I said everything I had to say and that every little detail is accurate.

Dear Tammy,

You're such a retard.


Anyhow, I'm more than ecstatic to go home tomorrow. Then again, my bitchy ass self has only been gone barely 2 weeks. I lovelovelove this place but fuck, SLO keeps me sooo busy now. I'm not gonna lie, I like being so occupied but when it comes to midterms seasons, I'm fucked.

Then again, it's college. I'm supposed to go through all this suffering and hate my life. I gotta do AAA proud and live it up with him and everyone else this year.
If I know us, we will.