Friday, February 27, 2009

Okay so i'm not sure if this is going to work but i'm mobile posting on my way to Santa Barbara. :)

Saturday, February 14, 2009

I'm spendin' my money I'm out of control Somebody help me

Flo Rida - Right Round

This song has been stuck in my head since the day we were at Nathan's house like two weeks ago. I like it. I don't know why but I do. Maybe cause it's catchy. Even though the line I have here is sooo true :)

So here I am in beautiful La Jolla where the weather is far from sunny and warm but it's still that cold and I'm glad it isn't raining. I'm okay with this though and this vacation is definitely relaxing. We left around 4pm yesterday and finally got here at 1030pm after dropping people off at UCLA, Westminster, and UCSD campus. Boi offered, okay not so much I invited myself to stay at his place for the weekend where we get to spend lots of quality time together and do nothing. He's playing Warcraft 3 with his friends right now. Yeah, I know I'm in SD and everything and should be spending time at the beach having a bonfire, going to see the cliffs that EVERYONE goes to and posts on their FaceBook, and hitting up the parties. For me, I'm really enjoying doing absolutely nothing and just chilllllllllin. These guys don't party much but I honestly don't mind at all because somewhere along the way, I am having a great time here. Boi and I are making a bunch of like food this weekend and whatnot. It should be fun. I had Asian food today, it was amazing. Makes me miss my mama. I did go shopping today too. Didn't get too much just a few things here and there. Wasn't able to find any rain boots though. Sad.

The whole resting thing is all I want to do this year. I think I need it. I stress too much. Actually, I make myself stress too much. I wish I knew why. Stressing is preventable but I don't give myself that chance. Whatever, I'm good. :)

Monday, February 2, 2009

And so I'm sailing through the sea to an island where we'll meet

Jason Mraz Ft. Colbie Caillat - Lucky

There are so many things I always plan to blog about. When I'm on my way back from class, on my way to class, sitting around, in the shower, all the time. I even plan it out to the exact words I want to say. As you can tell, I never follow through on it. The words sound so right in my head but once I sit down and begin to type, all I can see is an empty text box. I need to try harder to get all of my thoughts out somewhere.

I've got to hand it to Apple, I love Genius on iTunes. Especially when I'm tired of listening to the same playlist and want to hear something different. My favorite is when songs I used to listen to all the time come on, it's like a pleasant surprise. For instance, the song that I just added on here today. I swear it has no real meeting or relation to me. I love Jason Mraz and songs like these that randomly just stick out to me when I listen to them are great. Plus, it's cute :)

I babble. I love it.

This might be the reason why I'm blogging right now. In fact, it's the purpose of this blogspot in general. I know I'm not alone when I say this but who doesn't hate the question "What do you want to be when you grow up"? Needless to say, I'm at that age where this question shapes my future and everyone feels as if they need to know their answer or else they can't move on with their lives. Anyways, I don't know where I'm going with this. Actually, I do know, I know exactly where I'm going.

There are so many career goals I want in my life. Is it wrong for me to want to do/try so many things? In elementary school when our teacher would do a spotlight student of the week, I had always said that I wanted to be a teacher. I never knew why. But by the time I reached middle school, I thought that was the worst idea I've ever had. I'm pretty sure it's because when I would tell people that when I was younger they would tell me how little pay was and whatnot. When middle school rolled around, I started to get into web/graphic designing. The language spoke to me and I understood it so well, I was good at it. I believed so until my freshmen year when I realized I lacked creativity. No, I know I lack creativity because that light bulb never went off for me. I had the skill to do all of it but I realized that I wouldn't be able to ever enjoy designing if I was forced to come up with ideas. Eventually, Leadership came around and I knew I was in love.

I was in love with being involved, the lack of sleep, and everything that had to do with it. I dedicated all my time in the world to it. I could hardly think of how many conferences I've gone to. Everyone knew how much I was into Leadership dispite all my bitching. It was MY thing whether or not I was good at it. As crazy as it drove me, the thought of quitting NEVER went through my head. That's where Business came for me, they were almost similar. I wanted to do something where I could be around people and something about Business was appealing to me. (I didn't realized Business was known as the major of the undecided until this past summer.) Because of Youth Commission and being around Rich and the guys so much, I even wanted to minor or in Recreation so I could end up working with people. Then something about this summer and meeting/talking to Jackie made me realize something about myself..

Teaching. I want to teach. High school. Seniors especially. I already know that people are asking me if I'm crazy. I don't know why. I want to teach so bad. I want to be the Ms. Anderson, the Liao, the Burton, the Tolomei, the Masylar, the Cole. I want to be the teacher all the students were comfortable talking with. I want to be what Ms. A and Liao were to me. They helped me get here at Cal Poly, literally. Everything that I went through, I had them there with me. I was able to just go sit in their room for hours and just chat to them about stuff. Our counseling at Santa Clara pretty much sucked ass like any other school. And as ridiculous as this sounds, I'm pretty sure I want to help students. (I'm beginning to not make sense.) This is where I begin to start wanting so many things..

I still want to do Business especially after taking Accounting here at Cal Poly. I've learned that so many accountants love their job and when took the course, it was extremely interesting to me. Don't get me wrong, it was quite a rigirous course to take during my first quarter of college. But I enjoyed it. I still want to do management and am leaning towards Information Systems because I like that whole thing. I want to do all these things with my life and still be a teacher. BA in Business. MBA from SCU has been my goal since I got here and now, CPA from there too. I want my teachings cridental from here or Santa Clara or SJSU. I don't know wants gotten into me.

This is so deadly for me to say but sometimes I wish I was an engineer major. Something about the sound of that fasicinates and intrigues me. What makes me wonder is if I would really be interested in this or is it just the thought of it being fasicinating and different what intrigues me?

I'm so weird. This is getting super long but at least I've gotten to say it on here.