Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Sew this up with threads of reason and regret

Yellowcard - One Year Six Months

Since forever, I've been wanting so bad to blog and blog and blog because I like to blog. It's just that it takes me so long. I walk back from class, think in the shower, even plan out what I'm going to blog about before I go to bed. Common sense would say "what the hell Tammy, if you need or want to blog then do it" but we all know my mind does not work that way. I want to be able to sit and just write. I don't want to be one of those people that just blog when they're angry to vent. That's stupid. So I'm here to prove me wrong!

I'm so weird sometimes. I mean, who needs to have the "perfect" song to blog to? Haha. Like straight up sit here and press next on my iTunes until I find the right song to blog to. What the hell, man.

Today was my meeting with the Yosemite CSD (Coordinator of Student ). It was definitely no big D at all! (It seems like none of us say NBD anymore. As if it were so "high school" now or something.) Basically, the reason I had to meet with her was because I, Tammy Nguyen, is on AP! She just asked me questions and wanted to assure that I'm okay. The usual basic protocol stuff. Oh yees, you know it isn't Advanced Placement but instead Academic Probation. It really isn't that bad at all, it's just because I withdrew from my English class because I never went and was always sick. No lectures necessary. My professor and I spoke about it and she understand so we decided to set up a plan that it was before me to withdraw, then retake it this quarter. That's exactly what I'm doing.

In a sense, I'm sort of glad that I am on AP. Who would be glad of such a thing? It's not like I don't have enough drive as a person but AP is definitely helping me concentrate more. I'm getting my shit together and nothing is stopping me. :) As ridiculous as it sounds, I got to the point where I said to myself "Fuck this. No fun til I get my act together." But I'm glad my first weekend back was as fun as it was and I'm still for the most part on track with school. I've been spending a lot of time in the library yet again. All of this just shows how amazing the feeling accomplishment is.

By the time finals rolled around last quarter, I was basically failing both of my classes. My Accounting partner fucked me over so bad on our comprehensive problem that I had to do super well on my final to even pass that class. As for Business Stats, I did all the homework and failed all of the exams so that wasn't too good either. I needed a 78% on the final to move onto the next section of stats. How the hell can I get that high of a grade when I couldn't even pass the exams I studied my little off for? I ended up studying almost 30 hours of the final, literally. The day of the final came around and I took it with great confidence because I realized I practically knew everything! I spent about 20 hours studying for Accounting and took the final a little puzzled because I didn't know some of the ratio formulas. For a good month, all I saw in my head were stats equations and accounting journalization. In the end, I got a 83% on my Stats Final and a 76% on my Accounting final. I passed both classes with C's but the withdraw fucked up my GPA :\

I'm doing it right this quarter. Dean's List, here I come! No joke. I hope. Or maybe a 3.0 would be lovely :)

It's easy to forget, sometimes we just forget..


  1. Dude, I love you. Please blog on a daily basis. Why don't we talk more often? We're so similar haha.
    Get up and do your homework. :)
