Friday, January 16, 2009

I look at her and it makes me proud

Ne-Yo - Miss Independent

Progress. I like progress. Progress means I'm trying. It means that something is being done. There's effort.

I feel like I'm on Xanga again. The whole slight edits and fixtures to my "layout". HA. NAHHHHH. It's as if I've rewinded 4+ years of my life to changing my layout every week or other day to fit my mood. That's pathetic. Maybe it's just me? Do other people do it? Do they even care about it? I'm not supposed to care. This is BLOGSPOT. It's not supposed to matter. The "look" of this thing has already been changed TWICE. I haven't touched the CSS for my Xanga in two years. I'm pretty sure the dark colors from my hibernation week at home was beginning to depress me. And I'm anything but depressed. I'm confident enough to say that I'm happy.

No really, I'm happy. I'm sure I am because I don't feel any "sorrow" or anger. I can happily say that I've made some great friends here. Yes, you ASIS. Thanks for letting me join the Sequoia crew, what up! And letting me annoy you all the time and hide my food in your room so I don't eat it all and everythingggg. Tower 3 Floor 2 makes me happy. They're the craziest people EVER and drive me INSANE but I wouldn't like it any other way. Sista makes me happy and is my sense of home and the reason I even go to Cal Poly :) Basically any SC person excites me when I see them. Sabrina has got to be the person that drives me crazier than ever here and makes me want to kill her or myself sometimes. But honestly, when it comes down to it.. I love her A LOTTTTT. We've gone through so much and I'm so proud of everything she's overcome. Atta roomie! Who would have thought of the day that I would join TVSA? Let alone CP even having one? Hahahaha. I remember in the beginning , I was wondering what the fuck I got myself into but now, I'm glad I did. Okay, fine. We don't do that much stuff and when we have it's just been like chillin, eating, and drinking, haha. They're great people. I love the way they make sure all of us are okay and always have rides and whatnot. :)

When I decided to blog, I was totally planning to blog about something totally different but I guess that didn't happen. It turned out to be a happier blog and is like a turn around. YAY! I sound so energetic, what the hell. Life's good. Regardless of whatever, it's good. I'm making it a point to make it good.

I love my Santa Clara people. I miss them and I miss ASB. But it's okay, my cork board shrine of them makes up for it. :) I love Lena. She's the best. I'll never forget Summer '05 when her and Trang adopted me to be their baby sis as I was taking care of their drunk asses. They spoil me so much. APRIL 12, WE'RE GOING TO THE CIRCUS.


  1. Ha, no problem. You know 23C is the place to be if you need to stash something or need a quiet place.

  2. yes, i know you come home this weekend. it's written in my agenda and on the calender of my phone. :) i love you forevereverever.
