Monday, December 15, 2008

And as we lay beneath the stars, we realize how small we are

If Everyone Cared - Nickelback

I never know where to start. I told myself I would never ever ever ever ever EVER again let this thought ever fall into my little head. I SWORE TO MYSELF. If I did so then why in the world am I even thinking about the possibly of transferring to SJSU? NO SJSU, NO FUCKING SJSU. I've told myself this since day one that I wouldn't go there. Not that I have anything against or anything considering it is a great school for business and a teachings credential but I don't want to do it that way. Possibly just how I am because I love where I'm at right now and I don't want to hold regrets of going there because I had to handle family responsibilities that the could have easily done themselves. Call me selfish, bitchy, self-centered for doing this but I refuse to have it all on my plate when they are capable of doing it themselves. I have never met such guys who are supposed to be grown ass MEN with so little responsibility. Like seriously, are you kidding me? The reason I am here at Cal Poly, in college is so that thing would get better in the long run and take care of my mom. But how the hell am I going to ever have the sanity to do such a thing if these guys are going to eventually stress/overwhelm her health away? SERIOUSLY GUYS, SERIOUSLY? I'm 190 miles away and still have to do your responsibilities for you all. This is ridiculous, it really is. Yeah, let's have the baby do the babysitting for everyone around here.

Ugh, angry posts are definitely not my favorite and I usually try my best to refrain from them because I know I'm just babbling anger. But this time around, I'm pretty sure I've felt this way for some time now.

what. the. fuck.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know. Recently, since I'm going to be graduating college in a year a half, I've realized that college was just a four year vacation for me, because I'm pretty sure once I graduate, I'm going to return back to San Jose where I'll begin the next leg in my life.

    And about your post. Stay in school! I was thinking about doing the same thing this quarter, just head back home for a quarter or two, but I realized I gotta handle my own business before I take on more. And right now, my business is college, where I'm going to get my degree and make hella bank! I'm majoring in Econ and Poli Sci right now, and I'm considering pursuing a corporate route, so I think we're headed towards the same field, except you're more towards teaching?

