Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Now I'm where I wanna be, come co-pilot with me

The Dream - Walkin' On the Moon
I like this song. Then again I like all the songs I post about..

Two days into the week and I can already feel that it's going to be a good week. Yesterday, I decided to skip Managerial and sleep in. Before I went back to sleep, I texted one of my group mates to ask if we got our midterms back. I've been so anxious since last Wednesday to find out my grade since I stayed up til 5am to study so it was AWESOMEEEEE when I found out that I got a 90% on it. :) Especially since I got a D on the first midterm. Today, I was late for my IS class so I didn't go and to just go over the stuff we went in class from my apt. Checked my grade and found out that I got an 83% on my midterm. Not bad considering I didn't really study but I was bummed since I got a 95% on the first. Whatever, doing pretty well this quarter and I've never been happier about it.

Not the mention, today is OUR three. It's not really big deal but whatever, I've technically never "officially" been in a relationship for a full month. Hah, it's weird and complicated but whatever things are good and we're happy and that's all that matters. And I know that I just used "and" too many times in the sentence but I don't care. Hiii person-with-the-same-initials-as-Cal-Poly! I know you like it when I directly address you in my posts. I hope you like your surprise and the shoes :)

This weekend is Big/Little revealing then Thanks-for-giving Banquet and I'm soooo EXCITED! I think I feel this way because it was this time last year that I joined TVSA. I hecka joined last minute and everything and still got an awesomeeee big who I'm pretty close with now. :) Looking back, I've gone such a long way the past year and met such good people through this club. I'll save that little speech for later but I'm still excited! I feel bad that both of Asis' littles are bailing on him but it's okay, my family will adopt him!



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