Sunday, February 21, 2010

I'm here for myself, not for some quick cash.

After hours and hours of mopping in my little hole, I'm deciding to get over myself. For some reason, I'm always threaten by the feeling that me being away at college makes me a snob compared to the others of the pact. Others meaning the ones not going to school, my age or younger, living for the moment of R&R's, Trues, and anything but school. I'm referencing the ones that don't think they have a future in education or the ones that are going to school to make what they're doing acceptable.

I believe we all have the opportunity of an education whether we want to accept it or not. It's okay to work minimum wage and it's okay to want to be independent. But when does pride and greed takes over and we just keep wanting more money because we want to live life carefree. I'm finally accepting that it's a mind over matter kinda thing. Yeah, it's not a cliche but it' the truth. I never appreciated education until college. Not because I'm paying for it but because it feels good to learn something new everyday. Am I going to use it in the future? Most likely not but it's nice to know how things work the way they do and why things are they way they are. About 90% of the time, we're gonna hate ourselves for the classes we're taking, the midterms and projects we stay up all night for but isn't the best part the sense of accomplishment we feel when we're done? Maybe the fact that we stayed up all night to pass or failed, at least we finished and know somewhere that we actually tried. Some effort is always better than none and I think that we forget that sometimes. What if we're not trying hard enough or just don't care enough? We actually care and want to make our time worthy, we have to do everything we can. 

I value my education and I don't necessarily only believe that you can only learn the things you learn in school. But hey, some of the stuff is pretty handy in random conversations with random people in random places. (I just really wanted to do that.) Education is an opportunity, so why not take it? The opportunity cost of education is ridiculous but I think everyone could make it worth their while. I mean, they keep telling us that it's gonna pay off, give us a few initials on our resumes (that we spend about $100k for), and provide us with a good future. Why not take the chance?

Story of my life: I babble. At least I got it out. I will never be able to blog the things I don't here on tumblr because I really suck at criticism. I want honesty but I don't think I could handle people making something out of nothing. Nothing meaning, I'm just saying all this for my own reassurance because my hand hurts when I write too much and I don't think keeping a journal is very eco-friendly and I'm too lazy to.

Hey CP, #JD, and RG. Is this better than one lined blogs of misery? 

1 comment:

  1. Much better. When I see you I am going to hug you just a tad bit longer. <3
