Thursday, December 31, 2009


Started the year with the girls and tons of drama. Heather and BJ, Annaika and May getting into violent fights. I was angry and bitter. Chinese New Year at home with the family. Living in the library with Asis. Spent more time with TVSA and getting off Academic Probation. Andrew Sanchez came to visit SLO. Late night bonfires at Avila during the week. Cheesecake Factory appetizer dinner with the Limun twins.

Late TVSA Chinese New Year dinner and spent time with my adopted Big Tiffany. Constant all nighters every week plus weekend adventures. Road trip with Tiffany and everyone to La Jolla during Valentine's Day weekend. Spent it with Morris Thai and we made french toast with fresh strawberries. :) The week after, Santa Barbara to visit Karen with our long weeks on the beach (literally). Going out on a rainy night with Tower 3 and all of us getting plastered. Late night visits from Tony and Derek in my room. Pretty much was gone every weekend that month. I liked it :)

Ended Winter quarter off AP. No sleep at all during dead week. Having a 1.5 week spring break. Reuniting with Santa Clara at Amanda's house and causing trouble like always. Late nights at Karen's house with Andy and Tracey. Crepe date at Tartini with JD, Joffer and Robbie. Lunch dates with Michael and Stanley. HS reunion at Park Merced in SF. Passsssssssing out that night with my favorite people. May's dinner at Hooters.

ATV accident in Pismo with my brothers. Almost fractured my elbow. Asis' 19th birthday. Polycultural Weekend and meet the coolest kids ever. BRITNEY SPEARS CONCERT. Ralph came to SLO to visit me for a day. Joined TVSA board. Making thai tea and selling it at Open House. Open House after party. Partied every weekend.

Bimmerfest in Santa Barbara. Drove to LA for some korean bbq. Shopped around Westwood. Lantern Fest. Lantern Fest after party. Pint night at Woodstocks with my B's. Other B jumping on trash cans and biting me. Brought my car to SLO. ISA Spring Banquet. TC and Derrruck flipped my room. Going to the Hue with Cousin John and Lena.

Tony's end of year dinner. Doing what Business kids do best = party during finals week. Tony Le threw up on me. End of Spring quarter. Driving home by myself for the first time. SCHS '09 graduation with the girls. Flying to SoCal with Trang for Lena's graduation. Recreation Leader at the Teen Center. Partying on week nights with work. Dana's big party for being sworn in as a DA. Drunk times in DTSJ with the cousins. Jiwon and Jina's birthday party with Cupertino. Jimmy's birthday dinner. Kim Hibbs' house party and the SCHS '06 reunion. Hanging out that one night at greaterest's with best friend and Karen til 4am sitting around doing nothing. Hiking in Cupertino. Getting the flu for 2 weeks. Got in a fight with Tim and he had a chair over my head about to beat my ass. Angry at life.

Still had the flu and angry at life. Adventures in San Mateo with Rheanna & Brian. SS'09 started. This | | close to having alcohol poisoning. Dying for 2 hours. 4th of July with SS'09. Annaika's house-sitting bbq to BJ's house to Aly's to BJ's to SC track to Justin's house to Brian's house to I honestly don't remember. Cuddling with GB. "Morning after" lunches at Sushi O Sushi with Brian. Lena's surprise birthday dinner. Late nights with Mayba and Yuekai at The Grind. Jessica's home dinner. Finally met Ronald Lim. Random adventure to Berkeley for an Alpha Sig party. Getting lost in Emeryville and Oakland. Couldn't sleep at night. Cluck's with #JD and swings. "Are you happy? With you!" Mom made a deposit on our new place. Finally watched Saw IV with RG. Someone texted me to check up on me. Got into Prison Break. Late night calls to sleep. Swimming and hot tubbing with SS'09. Showering with GB and Rheanna. Geisha nights. Best massages of my life. Girls night + Sushi + some of the boys + lots of King's Cup + getting Laila drunk because Butch is gone + 150 pictures. Ralph's extravaganza. Dinner at Gordon Biersch. Pregaming the pregame. Britney in Ralph's car with Sam and Karen. Photo shoot. The start of something good. Buzzed laser tagging. Adventure in SF from Ocean Beach with gays to Castro St with more gays. Kidnapping 16 year olds and getting him plastered. Late night hang outs til 5am doing aboslutely nothing. First time clubbing at Fuze. GB and I finishing a bottle of jager on our own. Matt Nathanson at Music in the Park with the girls. Chugging wine did us dirty. @jgleit killed @killaklarenz.

Not so angry and drunk anymore :) More late night hang outs til 5am doing absolutely nothing. Partying at Park Merced Round 2. Introducing dumb and dumber to SC :) SC to Fremont to SF to Fremont to SC by 4am. Teen Center job ended. Matthew's 2nd birthday. "She's my girlfriend." 10. 2 Day trip to SLO with Tracy. Partying with randoms and Albert and crashing at his friend's house. Drunk guys wrestling. Officially moving out of Forbes. Random bbq with SK, Mayba and everyone. Connect four at Red Mango. Scrabble at PB.

More late nights :) Nonstop Smallville marathon. Seestars dinner at Macaroni Grill. Went back to Abercrombie for 2 weeks. Weekend in SLO with Clarenz. Moved into my apartment. Spent my last few days at home with Clarenz. Block Party! Back to Sexy House parties. Fall quarter started. The beginning of long distance. 19th birthday. Roomies surprised me at midnight. My bigs tried to surprise me with cake, candles, and flowers but dropped the cake on my front door :( Driving back and forth from SLO to the Bay like 5 imes.

Ultra Man shirt making, TEAM YELLOW! Margarita night at B's. Ultra Man at Pismo Beach. Got so fucked up I couldn't make it to my own party. Failed at going shot for shot with Asis. Birthday dinner at Claim Jumper with seestars and their boyfriends. Picked my little for TVSA. Culturefest. Baking with baked B. Movie night with Tammy. Last minute trip home to take care of SwineBoy<3

INO run with the gang. BP and then some with B and Albert. Hiked Bishop's Peak. Cooking with the roomies. Clarenz's surprise package. TVSA Revealing. Thanks-for-giving Banquet. Extended Thanksgiving break. Finally seeing Devin. Landon's 1 month and reuniting with my babies. Thanks for TNF boyfriend!

Nonstop studying all day every day. TVSA Secret Santa dinner. Asis was my SS and he got my Doug season 1! Doug party and INO run with Albert and B. End of Fall quarter. Lots and lots of shopping with my love. random hang outs with Clarenz & Fitz. Back at Abercrombie. December birthdays' dinner. Marsh Road, Super Walmart. Clarenz's 19th Birthday. Burgers and oysters. Worked Christmas Eve and spent the night watching Landon with Mom. Christmas lunch with Mom and Tuan. Christmas night with Clarenz, Charity, Jarrel, Nino, and Kim playing Catch Phrase. More oysters and had a board game day with Fitz, Maricris, Ben, JG, Charity, Jarrel and Matthew. Lots of watching Landon. Late Christmas dinner with my seestars. Clarenz and I took one another out, kinda :) Spending NYE with my favorites!

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